Wednesday, August 20, 2008

This is one of my brothers

I took this quote and photo AND video(!) from this site, because I can't begin to explain what my brother was doing at a comic book convention in California. I do think his success at it is the result of homeschooling at it's finest.

"In the midst of burning cars and exploding grenades, Daniel Mehltretter emerged triumphant, taking home the super-sized $1000 check, the Shinkawa-art-adorned PS3, and a Metal Gear Online poster. "It still hasn't hit me," said Mehltretter, seemingly shell-shocked from the frenetic gameplay and the uproarious cheers from the crowd of spectators encircling the gaming stations."

Now, he is working on getting a team together to compete for a free trip to Tokoyo and a bigger competition. I told him he needed to request a photographer/blogger to go with the team - all expenses paid, of course, and someone closely related.

Here is the video. Can you believe these cheering fans????

1 comment:

Robert Stalyn Mota said...

I am excited to see this, metal gear is my favorite game. I love it. That's a new version though, i can't wait to play it:D