Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Kenya Update

Just got this update from our missionary friends in Kenya. Must be two days old. KAG stands for Kenya Assemblies of God.
The count is up to over 100 churches lying in ashes completely destroyed. 70000 KAG members are displaced and living in temporary camps. The violence continues heavily. This morning a member of parliament was murdered and this will probably resurge the conflict. 400 KAG churches are NOT having service currently for fear of death and burning.

The pastor in Eldoret was beaten and cut with pongas (machete) the mob thought he was dead and left him there. He was taken to the hospital and for 3 days laid in a coma. When the General Superintendent came to see him he awakened and has been given new vision from God. No pastors have lost their life but the death tally is more likely between 1 and 5 thousand people.

We are currently getting ready for a big push. We will be headed into Eldoret, Korikocho, Narok, Navasha ... basically the sights of the worst violence. We will also be preaching in these refugee camps .. please pray that we will have the right words to say to bring peace to all these hearts. All is well. Feel free to pass this info along it is from the mouth of the General Superintendent.

1 comment:

the ewings said...

Thank you for posting all this from your friends in Kenya. My heart is with Africa and specifically with East Africa. I spent a summer in Tanzania. This really helps me to have names and specifics to pray for.
Thanks, Chris