Saturday, July 25, 2009

Welcome Nebu

Nebu is with us! Zion is very happy about it. We went to the care center, but our driver said he would not be there, so I didn't have the camera out. Then, he was there. Zion went crazy - holding his hand and kissing him and saying "my brother!" I thought she was going to really get on his nerves after awhile, but he was cool about it.


Sharon said...

It is wonderful to see Zion and Nebu together again! Congratulations!

St. Matthews, SC

Anderson Crew said...

How exciting!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

We are celebrating with you!

Columbia, SC

the ewings said...

I just LOVE this picture. The eyes say it all, "HOME AGAIN!" Praying for you and for the home bound Dave:)

Catherine McDuffie said...

ABSOLUTELY PRECIOUS. soo wonderful. they are beautiful, heidi. congratulations!


RachelSnowden said...

How wonderful for the two of them to be reunited. Do you think they remember each other? It's been a while, hasn't it? How are Sarah and Alden doing? Keep us posted.

Love, Rachel

Kurt and Kayla said...

What an amazing story. They could not be more beautiful!

Unknown said...

Hello Nebu!! Zion and Nebu are a beautiful pair of siblings. . . .your family is now officially a Benetton commercial (well, if you borrow Lydia, of course)

Heidi W said...

Beautiful! :)


june said...

That is wonderful! Congratulations!

Marsha said...

They're really gorgeous kids, Heidi!

Marsha - Qi's mom

Joy Portis said...

precious! Praying for you all and anxiously awaiing updates!

Unknown said...

Gosh Heidi, They are both so gorgeous and together....well....
Praising God with and for you! May you continue to find so many blessings on your journey.
Thanks for sharing so much of the richness of Ethiopia with us.
(from the web-board)