It is almost midnight. In a few hours, I take the kids to school. It is Alden's first day at school in the States, and Sarah's first day in a public school. I'm exhausted thinking about getting kids to a school one hour before we normally wake up - FIVE days a week! Alden has to take a potted plant and a framed photo. Guess when that all started happening? Ten pm. I've repotted a plant we bought at IKEA near Washington DC this afternoon on the way home from Pennsylvania. And, we tried to get a photo with all of us in it last night at David's birthday party. Yes, as usual, Zion is wearing someone else's shoes - she does not have freakishly big feet, and yes, it was challenging to get them to stay in roughly one place and it is sort of in and out of focus as a result. I can't get the photo to print without stretching all of us, so David has decided it is fine, it makes us look skinny, so I'm going to bed. We actually planned to attempt a cool pose like this one on my friend Chris' blog www.ewingadventure.blogspot.com. HA!!